Liquor vs. Liqueur: Key Differences!

Both sound similar and have many common properties. For example, liquor and liqueur fall in the alcoholic beverage category. This confuses people, and they mix things up and consider them one. However, that’s off-base and wrong. Due to such misconceptions, I will shed light on liquor vs. liqueur and give you detailed insight. 


Despite multiple similarities, these alcoholic beverages have many distinctions. However, their similar spelling and pronunciation give rise to myths. If you do not understand liquor or incorrectly interpret liqueur, fret not! I will go down and discuss every aspect of their differentiation. You’ll learn their true meaning. So, let’s get started!


Overview of Liquor and Liqueur


Both are alcoholic beverages. Liquor has a bold taste and undergoes distillation. On the other hand, liquor has a sweet taste and is made from liquor by adding other ingredients. In simple words, liqueur depends on liquor. Both have different types.


The two most prominent differences between liquor and liqueur are taste and flavor. Liquor undergoes distillation and contains a high alcohol content (40% to 50%). On the flip side, liqueur does not undergo distillation. So, it has low alcohol by volume.


Do you understand distillation? It is the process of boiling and evaporating liquid. When liquor is boiled, the alcohol comes out as a vapor. These alcoholic vapors are then condensed and changed back into liquid form. This process is helpful as it increases the alcohol proportion.


The purpose of the above explanation is to tell you that liqueur has a low alcohol content of 15% to 30%. The reason is that this liqueur does not involve any distillation that could increase alcohol. Instead, it uses additional ingredients (fruits, herbs, spices) for sweetening and flavoring. Interestingly, all the liqueur is liquor, but not all the liquor is liqueur. 


Confusing? Let me explain it. The liqueurs are made from liquor by adding additional ingredients. However, the liquor itself is a broad category. It can be anything like whiskey, rum, gin, or vodka. If you want to make liqueur, you must need liquor first. Both of these have different tastes that we will discuss in the upcoming section.


Differences Between Liquor and Liqueur


In the above portion, I gave an overview of liquor and liqueur. I aimed to provide you with a simple introduction without going into complexities. I am sure you have a better idea of these two alcoholic beverages. Let’s jump into more details and compare these beverages head to head. So, let’s get flooring!


1- Production Process


One key difference between these two is their production process. Liquor is a broad category and includes different beverages such as rum, whiskey, and vodka. The liqueur is realistically made from this liquor. First of all, the liquor is made through the distillation process. This method is based on the boiling point of liquor.


As a result of distillation, liquor comes out as output with high alcohol content. However, the production of liquor does not include any distillation. Instead, it uses already-made liquor in its production. The manufacturer adds different ingredients to this liquor. The key ingredients include herbs, spices, fruits, nuts, cream, etc.


These additional ingredients give the liqueur different tastes in sweetness and flavor. As I said, liqueur production does not involve the distillation process, so it does not have a high alcohol proportion. In simple words, liqueurs are made from liquor. However, their taste, flavoring, and smell differ from liquor’s.


2- Alcohol Content


As I mentioned, the production of liquor involves the distillation process. However, it is absent when it comes to the production of liqueur. This process plays a significant role in increasing or decreasing the alcohol content. Let me explain why. Distillation is the process in which the liquor undergoes boiling. 


The alcohol in it starts to evaporate in the form of vapors. The manufacturers then condense those alcohol vapors and change them into liquid. In the production of liquor, alcohol vapors are condensed back and used. So, it contains a high alcohol content, up to 40 to 50%.


However, the production of liquor does not include the distillation process. So, the alcohol content in the liqueurs is low, just 15 to 30%. Due to this lower proportion of alcohol, liqueur does feel very strong. Instead, it is mild and easy to drink. Many people like liquor due to its high alcohol content.


3- Taste and Sweetness


The liqueur tastes sweet and mild. On the flip side, the liquor does not taste sweet and is very bold in its favor. The question is, why? Liquor is made from distillation and contains a high proportion of the alcohol. But that’s not the case with liqueur, as it does not involve distillation.


Manufacturers add some ingredients to the liquor during production. These added ingredients give the liquor a sweet taste, making it delicious. Moreover, the lower alcohol by volume (ABV) makes it mild and smooth. It feels very refreshing and calm when you take a sip. However, the liquor is potent.


Its taste is not sweet but very bold and robust. Various liquor types, such as whiskey, vodka, and rum, taste different. However, the liquor is clean and has a neutral taste with some feel of grains. However, this bold flavor of liquor is something that makes it popular. People love liquor due to the strength and boldness that comes with high alcohol.


4- Types and Varieties


Vodka, tequila, whiskey, rum, and gin are types of liquor. They all involve different production and tastes. Interestingly, all of these liquors use various ingredients in their making. However, one thing that is common is their distillation process. Here is the table showing their ingredient:


Liquor Type Key Ingredients
Whiskey Grains such as rye and wheat
Vodka Grain, potatoes, fruits
Rum Sugarcane juice or molasses
Gin Juniper berries, botanicals 
Tequila Blue agave
Brandy Distilled wine or fruit juice


Similar to liquor, liqueurs also have many types. As I said, liqueurs are made by adding additional ingredients. So, the types of this beverage vary depending on which ingredient is present in the liquor. Here is the list of those types of liqueurs:


  • Fruit Liqueurs
  • Anise Liqueurs
  • Floral Liqueurs
  • Coffee Liqueurs
  • Herbal Liqueurs
  • Cream Liqueurs
  • Chocolate Liqueurs
  • Nut and Seed Liqueurs


The fruit liqueurs use fruits as added ingredients. On the flip side, cream and floral liqueur use cream and flowers as added ingredients. You can add different ingredients to the liqueur and enjoy different tastes. Notably, their taste and flavor depend on the ingredients you add.


5- Usage & Popularity 


Both liquor and liqueurs are widespread; however, liquor is what people love the most. The reason is that a liquor bottle contains a high alcohol content. Due to this, it has a strong taste that attracts people. Liquor is used as a base for many cocktails. Furthermore, you will see it in bars and at night parties.


Almost all the types of liquor are prevalent. However, whiskey and vodka are two liquors that you will see everywhere. On the flip side, the liqueur is less famous than liquor. They are generally used as a flavor in cocktail drinks where liquor remains a base. So, liquor is more essential and holds the primary status.


Here is a misconception: Liquour is sweet and has a lovely flavor, so people prefer it over liquor. But that’s not the case, as the sweet taste of liquor does not attract beverage lovers. Additionally, alcoholic addicts don’t like the low alcohol content of liqueur. Instead, they tend to be inclined towards liquor. 


Quick Note: The mild drinker generally prefers liqueurs due to its low ABV. Moreover, its sweet taste and mild flavor make it a good option for alcohol-intolerant people. They will enjoy the drink while still consuming a meager amount of alcohol.


Which is Better: Liquor or Liqueur?


The answer to this question can vary from person to person. However, the liquor is more popular due to its strong taste and high ABV (alcohol by volume). You will see this drink more commonly in bars and at night parties. However, it may not be safe for someone with alcohol intolerance.


Liquor is suitable for someone who wants to enjoy high alcohol. It contains 40 to 50% alcohol making. However, if you do not have a drinking addiction, the liqueur will be a suitable option. Moreover, it is suitable for alcohol-intolerant people. Why? The reason is that it has a low alcohol content of just 15 to 30%. So it won’t make you addicted.


Moreover, the sweet taste of the liqueur will give the feeling of a general cold drink. In case you’re alcohol intolerant, this beverage won’t cause any issues. Still, liquor holds a critical value in the beverage industry. The liqueur enhances the taste, but the liquor was used as a base. So, I am divided 50-50 between these two, leaving you to decide.


Frequently Asked Questions


Is vodka a liquor or a liqueur?


Vodka is a prevalent type of liquor. Its production includes the distillation process and a high volume of alcohol.


Is gin a liquor or a liqueur?


Gin is liquor, as it is produced through the distillation process. Juniper and berries are the main ingredients used in its production.


Is Jagermeister a liquor or liqueur?


Jagermeister is a liqueur, and its production includes the addition of herbs. It is a blend of more than 50 different herbs. 


Liquor vs liqueur: which is more expensive?


Both liquor and liqueurs have types that vary in price. The quality of both drinks also affects their pricing. However, liquors are generally more expensive than liqueurs.


Which is safe: liquor or liqueur?


The correct quantity of both beverages is safe and does not cause any issues. You should avoid drinking. Moreover, the liquor contains high alcohol by volume. So, alcohol-intolerant people should avoid it. They should consider liqueurs as they contain less alcohol.




Both of these beverages serve their purpose. However, individual preferences are key when deciding which is better for them. Liquor generally steals the spotlight. Its strong taste refreshes the mind. On the other hand, liqueurs are sweet and gentle drinks. 


On the flip side, the liqueurs are sweet and gentle drinks. Their low alcohol content is a good option for someone with no alcohol addiction. I won’t say that one type is better than the other. The reason is that both of them serve different purposes. Hopefully, this guide will debunk all your confusion about these two beverages.

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